Do you have peace of mind about your current security measures? For many companies, security management is a major cause of concern and worry—but it doesn’t have to be! Today, we’re discussing how you can experience peace of mind with an outsourced SOC.
Key Takeaways section:
Outsourcing your SOC, or security operations center, is a decision that can improve your business’s operations and overall safety.
Outsourcing SOC has seven major benefits. They are:
- Saves money
- It provides advanced security
- Better-trained staff
- Better compliance
- Easily scalable
- Uninterrupted service
- Better focus
Outsourced SOC saves money.
Outsourced SOC is an excellent choice for the budget-savvy business. Because a security-focused organization already has access to sophisticated security systems and equipment, it can implement advanced security with less startup cost. You’ll also avoid the costs of training or hiring your own security team and maintaining current certifications and education.
Outsourced SOC provides more advanced security.
Outsourced SOC is an excellent choice for the budget-savvy business. Because a security-focused organization already has access to sophisticated security systems and equipment, it can implement advanced security with less startup cost. You’ll also avoid the costs of training or hiring your own security team and maintaining current certifications and education.
Professionally trained firm.
While training your existing staff in security monitoring is possible, the process will take time. It’s also unfair to expect your employee to gain years of security expertise in a few months. While you can directly hire security professionals, the cost is generally high. On the other hand, if you outsource your SOC, you’ll get the expertise of trained security professionals with years of experience—without having to pay their whole salary or worry about maintaining their talent. Moreover, you can free up your regular employees to focus on other essential aspects of your business.
Outsource for better compliance
Most companies are required to adhere to a government standard for security. In the event of a breach or security incident, a lack of compliance can be costly, opening the door to expensive fines or even customer lawsuits. Trustworthy outsourced SOCs, on the other hand, are trained in compliance management and can ensure that you’re following the relevant laws. You’ll save money and avoid legal trouble in the long run.
Outsourcing ensures scalability.
If you’re currently a smaller business, you might be able to get away with a small in-house SOC. However, what happens when your business grows? You’ll need to add more complex equipment and more trained security professionals. It can be a huge challenge to grow your in-house SOC and business effectively. In contrast, an outsourced SOC can scale quickly and expand its coverage with you. They already have the systems and equipment and can implement new solutions effortlessly. An external SOC is valuable if you’re anticipating any business growth in the coming years.
SOCs focus on uninterrupted service.
With an in-house security operations center, you’ll have to hire new employees or pull existing ones from their work. Unless you have plenty of extra money, both options make it harder for you and your team to focus on essential business operations and company growth. In contrast, an outsourced SOC frees up employees and resources to focus on other things that matter to your business. Moreover, you won’t have to worry about compromising your security operations—if you do your research and choose a trustworthy external SOC, you’ll also be getting better security!

Questions to Ask When Outsourcing SOC
While outsourcing your security operations center can be an excellent decision, choosing the right partner is essential. The right security partner can boost your productivity and make you safer and more secure; an inadequate partner can threaten your security. With this in mind, what factors should you consider when choosing a third-party organization? Below are some questions you should ask when interviewing candidates so that you can make an informed decision about one of your most sensitive operations.
1. Where is your SOC located, and what capabilities does it offer?
Start with the basics. You’re looking for a SOC that offers 24/7 protection and advanced analytics capabilities.
2. Do you provide compliance management?
This question is crucial if you work in an industry with data compliance standards. You need to ensure your MSSP (managed security service provider) will comply with your industry’s rules.
3. How do you keep up with new technology?
You want to ensure you’re getting an MSSP that prioritizes staying up-to-date. By asking this question, you’ll learn more about whether the company performs updates frequently and how much they prioritize using the latest technology.
4. How will you do reporting? Will I get a dedicated account manager?
Even though you’re handing off some security functions, you should be able to stay in the know about the issues that matter. Make sure your MSSP has a dedicated plan for reporting, ideally with an account manager you can contact for any questions or security needs.
5. Can you tailor your services?
All companies are different, and your security needs might not look like another company. Make sure your security partner recognizes this and is willing to work with you to enact the security measures you need.
6. Can you work with my existing systems and assets?
You might need to start from square one if you have an older or outdated security system. However, if possible, it will save money and time if your new MSSP can use some of your existing IT assets. Check to see if they’ll work with you.
The bottom line? Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Make a list before interviewing a potential partner, and don’t be afraid to dig deeper if anything seems off. When it comes to your security as an organization, you have every right to ensure that the partner you choose takes safety seriously. You may need to meet with several different companies before you find your perfect match—be willing to take extra time to get the job done right.
If you’re a business needing robust security by trained professionals, SOC outsourcing is the choice for you. An external center can save money, provide better security, and improve compliance and scalability. The result? You and your employees are freed up to focus on growing your business and maintaining a high standard of excellence while having peace of mind that the security aspects of your company are in good hands.
If you’re interested in outsourcing your security, Expedient Technology Solutions is here to help. Our talented team of trained professionals can effortlessly manage your IT security, provide consulting as needed, and keep your business safe and secure. Experience Stress-Free IT for yourself by giving us a call today!